- 如果滋养心肌的动脉脂肪沉积过剩,心脏自身的血液供应便会受阻,其结果就可能导致心绞痛,如果血管完全堵塞,甚至会导致心脏病发作。
- The heart 's own blood supply becomes blocked up by fatty deposits in the arteries that nourish the heart muscle . It can cause angina or even lead to a heart attack if the blood vessels become completely blocked .
- 迈耶斯表示,锻炼也预防与心脏病有关的一些炎症,如可引起心脏病发作的动脉硬化或心血管硬化。
- Meyers says that exercise also limits inflammation associated with heart trouble such as arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries around the heart which may lead to heart attacks .
- 耶和华你神必将你心里和你后裔心里的污秽除掉,好叫你尽心尽性爱耶和华你的神,使你可以存活。
- And the lord thy god will circumcise thine heart , and the heart of thy seed , to love the lord thy god with all thine heart , and with all thy soul , that thou mayest live .
- 作者是《都会佳人》生活时尚编辑。
- The writer is citta bella 's lifestyle editor .
- 痛感仅仅是感受,一刹那间那个感受直接闪入心中。
- Pain was simply feeling , and in a flash that feeling vanished straight into the citta .
- 痴迷如同慢性毒药,渗透心智、污染我们的感知、扭曲真相。
- Delusion pervades the citta like an insidious poison , contaminating our perceptions and distorting the truth .