satis词根的含义:enough, full of food: 足够,饱足
- insatiate 不满足的adj.
- in 不 + satiate 使充分满足 → 不满足的
- No one loves him because of his insatiate desire for money .
- 大家都因为他对钱的贪得无餍而不喜欢他。
- sate 使饱足v.
- sat 足够,饱足 + e → 使饱足
- Only her blood will sate the kraken .
- 只有她的血能满足海妖。
- satiable 可满足的adj.
- sati 足够,饱足 + able 可…的 → 可满足的
- A satiable thirst ; a satiable appetite .
- 可满足的欲望;可满足的欲望。
- satiate 使充分满足v.
- sati 足够,饱足 + ate 使… → 使充分满足
- We satiate ourselves with sun , fun , and good food .
- 我们满足于享受到的阳光,嬉笑和美食。
- satisfy 使满足v.
- satis 足够,饱足 + fy 使… → 使满足
- Professionals identify and satisfy their customer 's needs .
- 专业人士发现并满足顾客的需求。
- satisfaction 满足n.
- satis 足够,饱足 + faction 形成… → 满足
- Set yourself tasks from which you 'll gain satisfaction .
- 给自己制定可以实现自我满足的任务。
- satisfactory 令人满意的adj.
- satisfy的形容词
- Is there a satisfactory way out of the dilemma ?
- 有令人满意的走出这种两难困境的方法吗?
- saturate 使饱和v.
- satur 足够,饱足 + ate 使… → 使足够 → 使饱和
- To use , shake the bottle and saturate a cotton pad with the lotion .
- 使用时,摇动瓶子,让乳液浸透化妆棉。
- saturation 饱和n.
- satur 足够,饱足 + ation 行为,过程,状态,结果 → 饱和
- It 's more that we 've reached saturation point .
- 看起来更像是我们已经达到了饱和点。