词根-joc-, -jok-


jocose 滑稽的adj.
joc 笑话 + ose 多…的 → 滑稽的
And yes , it 's written with a dark sense of humor , but you 'd have to be very jocose not to ask some serious questions .
jocular 爱开玩笑的adj.
joc 笑话 + ular 属于…的 → 爱开玩笑的
Again , the extraordinary linguistic hybrid : the " comfort levels " cheek by jowl with the jocular yet baffling reference to hair .
jocund 欢乐的adj.
joc 笑话 + und 表形容词 → 欢乐的
The jocund princess roamed around in her beautiful garden .
joke 笑话n.
They feel it 's nothing but a joke .