
所属栏目:英语口语    2024-08-15      

"need I say more?" 一种反问句,表示说话人提出了一个不需要进一步澄清的观点。 said after a statement when you expect that someone can guess the result of what you have just said 在说明了一些内容后,期望某人可以从刚才所说的猜测结果 还用我多说吗? Mary: There's grass to be mowed, weeds to be pulled, dishes to be done, carpets to be vacuumed, and there you sit! Need I say more? 草要割,杂草要除,菜要洗,地毯要用吸尘器打扫,而你却坐在那儿!还需要我多说吗? Tom: I'll get right on it. 我马上就动手。