
所属栏目:英语口语    2023-11-01      

eat humble pie `Umbles' is an old word for the guts and offal (= organs such as the liver) of deer. When rich people had the good parts of the meat to eat, the `umbles' were made into a pie for their servants. As `umbles' pie was eaten by `humble' people, the two words gradually became confused. `Humble pie' came to be used to refer to something humiliating or unpleasant. “Umbles”是旧时指鹿的内脏的词。富人一般会把动物身上比较好的肉拿去吃,而“umbles”则会被做成馅饼给他们的仆人。随着“umbles”馅饼被“humble”人吃掉,这两个词逐渐变得混淆。“Humble pie”就被用来指羞辱或不愉快的事情。 To admit that one iswrong, usually when doing so triggers great embarrassment or shame. 承认自己是错的,通常这样做会引起极大的尴尬或羞愧。 例: Tom told a lie about George, and when he was found out, he had to eat humble pie. 汤姆造了乔治的谣,被发现后只得向乔治赔礼道歉。