- 本集开篇镜头是飞行摄像组从远处长焦拍摄的科莫多巨蜥。
- The flight of the camera lens is opening set of group telephoto shot from a distance komodo dragon .
- 这位spacex的首席执行长将“龙”号飞船重返大气层比作是一颗流星飞速穿越大气层的过程,他两个月前说,这艘太空船的降落伞对高温极其敏感。
- Comparing the re-entry of dragon to the flight of ' a meteor ' speeding through the atmosphere , the spacex chief two months ago said the capsule 's chutes are particularly sensitive to heat .
- 由未上市企业空间探索技术公司(spaceexplorationtechnologiescorp.)研制的“龙”号太空船的处女航测试了飞船的导航系统、隔热屏、降落伞及其他方面。
- Developed by closely held space exploration technologies corp. , the dragon capsule 's maiden flight tested the craft 's guidance systems , heat shields , parachutes and other facets .