- 氟中毒会导致牙齿变色或表面缺陷。
- Fluorosis can cause tooth discoloration or surface irregularities .
- 那颗牙齿来自一个属planohybodus物种的鲨鱼。
- The tooth belongs to a species called planohybodus .
- 一个有效率的破产程序是红牙红爪资本主义的重要组成部分。
- An efficient bankruptcy process is an essential part of capitalism red in tooth and claw .
- 学员的平均年龄为42岁。
- The average age was 42 .
- 我们已经进入厉行紧缩的时代。
- We have entered the age of austerity .
- 不耐烦是当今时代的弊病。
- Impatience is the scourge of the age .
- 这段历程表明,人民币兑美元的汇率脱钩几乎难以削减美国的贸易赤字。
- It indicates that de-linking the yuan would make barely a dent in america 's trade deficit .
- 这可不足以削减伊朗那不断上涨的失业率,该国失业率现在都接近15%了。
- That is not enough to dent a rising unemployment rate , which is now close to 15 % .
- 涨价仅仅引起赤字的微弱削减。
- The price rise means only the tiniest dent in the deficit .
- 如果你拥有一个谷歌帐号,点击齿轮图标,找到网络历史记录一项,然后登陆。
- If you have a google account , click the cog icon , select web history , and log in .
- 对生理节律的研究,发现了人体生物钟上一个不曾预料到的新分子齿轮。
- Research into circadian rhythms has led to the discovery of a new and unanticipated molecular cog in the human body clock .
- 一星期前我还是他们重要证人宝贝.
- One week I 'm their big cog .