- 在庆祝仪式上,朝鲜儿童舞步一致,组成一行行彩色列队
- North korean children dance in unison in an array of bright colours as part of the ceremony
- 如果分歧太大了,或是太一致了,在我看来,就没有诗的空间了。
- If the divergence is too wide , or the unison too close , there is , it seems to me , no room for poetry .
- prius的电视广告--重在特技效果--以一个乌托邦风景为特色完全地由人工做成;太阳、云彩和海洋和谐移动着并由人描述。
- The prius television ads -- heavy on the special effects -- feature a utopian landscape made entirely of people ; the sun , clouds and ocean are depicted by humans moving in unison .
- 我必须满怀羞愧地承认,是我的朋友鲍伯(而不是我自己)发现了一个显而易见的事实:“图蒂”在意大利语当中,意指“每一个人”。
- I 'm embarrassed to admit that it was my friend bob , not me , who noticed the obvious fact that the word " tutti " in italian means " everybody . "
- 那个地点是在附近某村子的中心,连接公共水电,附近有好学校让图蒂上学,而因为坐落于中心地带,病患与客人步行即可找到她。
- It was in the center of a nearby village , was connected to municipal water and electricity , had a good school nearby for tutti , was nicely located in a central place where her patients and customers could find her on foot .
- 这些部下的总头目是副总工程师张曙光,他曾经身着皮大衣披白围巾出席铁路会议,喜欢用“紧握的拳头”来形容自己的谈判方式。
- The capo di tutti capi was the chief deputy engineer zhang shuguang , who once arrived at a railway conference in a fur coat and a white scarf and liked to describe his approach to negotiations as a " clasped fist . "