- 我们当时打算讨论俄罗斯问题,但我们小组的领跑人、伟大的奥运跨栏选手埃德温.摩西定的步子太快,我无法在谈话的同时跟上他的步伐。
- We wanted to talk about russia but the leader of our group the great olympic hurdler edwin moses set such a brisk pace that I couldn 't keep up and talk at the same time .
- 写现实主义的对话意味着理解人们如何谈话,而不是你认为他们如何谈话。
- Writing realistic dialogue means understanding how people really talk and not how you think they talk .
- 若说佛说祖、佛意祖意大似将木子换却尔眼睛相似。
- If we talk of the buddhas and talk of the ancestors , the intention of the buddhas and the intention of the ancestors resembles switching soapberry seeds for your eyes .