- 像狗、猫、海豹、鸟、人类以及埋葬虫这样的物种,它们的幼子都知道达到自己目的的方法就是吵闹。
- In species such as dogs , cats , seals , birds , humans and even burying beetles , infants know that the way to get what they want is to make a fuss .
- 周围社区的一个木匠lonniejones四处走了走想看看到底发生了什么变化。
- Lonnie jones , a carpenter from the neighbourhood , wandered over to see what the fuss was about .
- 球迷和运动员都知道这些规则有多么奇怪和排外;他们知道这个棒球圈子内部成员间的联系,而圈子外的人(世界上大多数的人),他们不知道大惊小怪什么,是可以原谅的。
- Both fans and players are aware of how peculiar and " in-house " the rules are ; knowledge of them is what links the members of a small community , and those outside the community ( most people in the world ) can be excused if they just don 't see what the fuss is about .