- 新进入者也希望建立自己的平台与银行竞争,如美国资产管理公司贝莱德(blackrock)计划推出其aladdin电子债券交易服务。
- New entrants are also seeking to create their own platforms to compete with banks , with us money manager blackrock planning to offer its own electronic bond trading service called aladdin .
- 谷歌将ipo价格设定在机构区间的高端这可能令贝莱德(blackrock)不悦,谷歌股价首日交易中的涨幅为18%。
- Google set its ipo price near the top of the institutional range , which would have displeased blackrock , and it rose 18 per cent on the first day .
- 美林内部人士表示,他们的第一人选blackrock首席执行官拉里芬克(larryfink)面临着重大障碍。
- Insiders at merrill said there were big obstacles to larry fink of blackrock , their first - choice candidate .