- 你可以订做一个用黄铜做的小十字,或者是由贵金属和宝石制成的。
- You can order a small cross made of brass or from precious metals with precious stones .
- 轨道上美妙绝伦的黄铜望远镜就是其一。
- The brass telescopes mounted on its rails are beautiful objects .
- 研究团队首先在塑料胶卷上蚀刻多层薄的黄铜,这些塑料胶卷能够被缝合在布料上。
- The team started by etching thin layers of brass on plastic film , which could be sewed onto a fabric .
- 这些基因就是铜耐受基因。
- These are the copper resistance genes .
- 铜与棉花的价格再创新高。
- Copper and cotton have hit record highs .
- 这种做法对铜市场的影响更大。
- The more significant impact is on copper markets .