- 在展览的结束部分,黄色的高墙预示着黄金时代的到来,而一个巨大的加冕的佛像和刻上了生动浮雕的大理石棺残块则构成了展览的两个亮点。
- In the exhibition 's concluding part , where the yellow walls are meant to suggest the beginning of the golden age , a big , crowned buddha and parts of a marble sarcophagus with vivid reliefs are just two of the show 's highlights .
- 克里斯蒂是“黄金时期侦探小说女王”,她笔下最出名的侦探是爱挑剔但是才华横溢的比利时侦探赫丘勒?波洛和对寻找线索有着敏锐眼睛的小老太太玛普尔小姐。
- The queen of the golden age british detective story , christie 's most famous detectives are the fussy but brilliant belgian sleuth hercule poirot and miss marple , the little old lady with a keen eye for clues .
- 今天,鼻子扁平的“流线型火车”是铁路黄金时代的象征,然而在1934年,m-10000才是一种重大的改革:铝制的铰接式车身,靠内置内燃机发动。
- Today , the snub-nosed " streamliner " is symbolic of the golden age of the railways . But in 1934 , the m-10000 was revolutionary : all-aluminum , fully articulated and powered by an internal combustion engine .