- 被刻画的鹿角的结构表明其生长期处于春季或夏季。
- The structure of the carved antler indicates its growth stage was spring or summer .
- 一开始,科学家们认为刻画在鹿角上的几何图案有可能是之前说到的女性,也可能是一个举着双臂的裸体男性。
- At first the scientists believed the geometrical figure carved onto the antler could have been either the mentioned woman , or a nude man raising his arms .
- 假肢的设计采用特殊的定制方式将义肢楔入后腿中,并模仿鹿角通过皮肤生长的过程来制作。
- The design of the feet uses custom-made implants to ' peg ' the ankle to the foot and mimics the way in which deer antler bone grows through skin .