- 克拉斯诺雅茨克市罗耶夫鲁切依动物园的一名员工把鹈鹕送往夏季避暑的露天围场。
- An employee carrying a pelican to an open-air enclosure for the summer at the royev ruchei zoo in krasnoyarsk .
- 当时我的小说《塘鹅暗杀令》(thepelicanbrief)只写了一半,而且我越来越感到迷茫,不知道何时能完成小说,再何时出版。
- At the time I was about halfway through the pelican brief and had no idea when it would be finished or published .
- 代表患病囚犯利益的加州鹈鹕湾监狱“特号”案件结果不如预期。
- A lawsuit on behalf of prisoners with mental illness in california 's pelican bay supermax prison produced less than ideal results .