- 那个女人不知疲倦地来回走着,一会儿放声歌唱,一会儿又默不出声,没完没了地晾着尿布。
- Tirelessly the woman marched to and fro , corking and uncorking herself , singing and falling silent , and pegging out more diapers , and more and yet more .
- 提高意识,控制呼吸机制,充分运用肺部能力可以带来各种益处既能缓解疼痛和压力,也能提高能量水平、提高竞技成绩和歌唱能力、甚至能控制口吃。
- Increased awareness and control over our breathing mechanism , and using our lungs to their full capacity , can lead to all sorts of benefits from pain and stress relief to improved energy levels , enhanced athletic performance and singing ability , and even gaining control over a stutter .
- 通过对子音和母音在生活中发音特点的分析,论述了子音和母音在歌唱中的变化与区别,揭示了歌唱所独有的语音发声规律。
- Discussing the pronouncing features of vowels and consonants in daily-life speaking , how they change in singing and differ from them in daily-life speaking are revealed , as well as the distinct rules of phonetic utterance in singing .