- 她穿着一件用猫头鹰羽毛做成的白色长袍,袍子在呼啸的风中飘动。
- She was dressed in a robe of white owl feathers trailing behind her in the howling wind .
- 在一片年轻的红杉林里,一只被标记的北方斑点猫头鹰正俯冲向研究人员所设置的诱饵。
- A tagged northern spotted owl swoops toward a researcher 's lure in a young redwood forest .
- ungern是个令人讨厌的孩子;他试图绞死一位邻居的宠物猫头鹰,随后被赶出学校。
- Ungern was an obnoxious child ; he tried to strangle a neighbour 's pet owl and was expelled from school .