- 胃口大开的宾客们喝着罐装可乐和无酒精啤酒,自助餐台上有糖醋鸡块、鸡蛋汤和切成片的甜瓜,这是附近农田里的出产。
- Hungry guests sip cans of coke and nonalcoholic beer and pick at a buffet that includes general tsao 's chicken , egg drop soup and slices of sweet green melon grown in nearby fields .
- 韩国艺术家朴栖甫(parkseo-bo)摘下漂亮的圆顶礼帽,他手上的那枚戒指镶有一颗小鸡蛋大小的紫色宝石,在暮冬下午的阳光里闪闪发亮。
- Korean artist park seo-bo takes off his jaunty bowler hat . A ring on his hand with a purple gemstone the size of a small chicken egg catches the light of a late winter afternoon .
- 两周岁时,主要喂给孩子菜、鱼肉、鸡肉、蛋、豆类、以及其它种子类食物和根茎类食物。
- Two first anniversaries , mainly feed to the kid 's vegetables , fish , chicken , egg , bean , and other seed foods and the root-stock food .