- 老挝万象外的老挝动物园,一只婴儿暹罗鳄破壳而出。
- A baby siamese crocodile hatches from an egg at the lao zoo outside vientiane , laos .
- 大约三年前,evasalem开始被一条鳄鱼困扰。
- About three years ago eva salem got into some trouble with a crocodile .
- 于是,王子将整个故事告诉了她,包括鳄鱼交给他的那个不可能的任务。
- So the prince told her the whole story , and of the impossible task given him by the crocodile .
- 这些大蟒已经因吞噬稀有的短吻鳄而被尽人皆知。
- The pythons have even been known to devour the odd alligator .
- 当一只农田鸭子在夜间消失、或一位游泳者失踪,通常会归咎于鳄鱼或短吻鳄。
- When a farm duck was taken at night , or a swimmer disappeared , a crocodile or alligator would usually be blamed .
- 在大沼泽地的生态系统中,作为外来入侵的物种的缅甸蟒可以直接与其他顶级掠食者竞争,比如美洲短吻鳄。
- Nonnative burmese pythons can compete directly with other top predators in the everglades ecosystem , such as this american alligator .
- 后面还立着一只棕熊。
- A brown bear looms behind the gharial .
- 房间的中央是一只价值1.5万英镑食鱼印度鳄。
- In the centre of the room an indian gharial , a fish-eating crocodile worth 15000 .