- 鱼肉中含有丰富的欧米伽-3脂肪酸,如鲭鱼、鲱鱼、鲑鱼和凤尾鱼,它们能够减轻由于血管痉挛而导致血流不畅带来的疼痛。
- Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids , such as mackerel , herring , salmon and anchovies , help reduce the painful blood vessel spasms that cause the shutdown of blood flow .
- 哥伦比亚大学的研究者说,世界范围内大型鱼类像鳕鱼、金枪鱼、石斑鱼的数量减少了三分之二,而凤尾鱼、沙丁鱼、毛鳞鱼的数量激增。
- Big fish such as cod , tuna , and groupers have declined worldwide by two-thirds while the number of anchovies , sardines and capelin has surged in their absence , said university of british columbia researchers .
- 与此同时,根据世界各地的海洋生态系统的最新研究,如沙丁鱼和凤尾鱼之类的小型鱼类数量暴增了130%。
- At the same time , populations of smaller fish , such as sardines and anchovies , have boomed by 130 % , according to a new study of marine ecosystems around the world .
- 你喜欢s型还是m型的女孩?
- Do you prefer s - or m-sized women ?
- 索尼公司希望能够利用tablets改变人们的这种认知。
- The company is hoping the tablet s changes that perception .
- 使用s笔进行简单的书写和画图都很容易。
- Using the s pen for simple handwriting or sketching was easy .