- 山顶上,乌鸦栖息上白雪覆盖的岩上,摄像机用平移的镜头扫过这片荒凉的景象。
- On the mountaintop , blackbirds perch on snowy crags as the camera uses lateral moves to sweep across the desolate landscape .
- 白尾鸢满足的回到栖息处炫耀着它那灰色后背上黑色的肩膀。
- Satisfied , the kite returns to its perch and shows off the black epaulettes on its grey back .
- 于是回报当初人们的美好愿景的是,大量的尼罗河鲈鱼和指日可待的环境退化。
- Good intentions are rewarded with plenty of nile perch ( for now ) but a degraded ecosystem in the long run .
- 钓鱼也是这个时节最好的活动,尤其是钓条纹鲈鱼和竹荚鱼。
- The fishing is good at this time of year , notably for striped bass and bluefish .
- 吟唱声、欢笑声驻及行进的低音鼓。
- The sounds of chanting , laughter and the marching bass drum .
- 你的眼有否注意到低音提琴部,那个唯一的女性?
- Has your eye been drawn to the sole female in the double bass section ?