- 鲨鱼被捕杀因为它们的鱼鳍被用于做鱼翅汤一种亚洲的美味佳肴。
- Sharks are caught for their fins for use in shark fin soup , a delicacy in asia .
- 鲨鱼被捕杀因为它们的鱼鳍被用于做鱼翅汤一种亚洲的美味佳肴。
- Sharks are caught for their fins for use in shark fin soup , a delicacy in asia .
- 每年约有7300万条鲨鱼因为它们的鱼鳍或鱼肉招来杀身之祸(鲨鱼鱼翅汤在亚洲市场广阔),或仅仅因为其他捕鱼活动而遭受殃及。
- Seventy-three million sharks are killed each year for their fins ( shark-fin soup is huge in asia ) or meat or just as collateral damage of the wider fish trade .
- 然后,他看见一条鲨鱼在水面转圈圈,但没有看到另一条鲨鱼的鳍。
- Then he saw one on the surface swimming in circles . He did not see the fin of the other .
- 帆船有许多种不同类型的固定龙骨,例如全龙骨(见上图)及鳍板。
- Sailboats have many different types of fixed keels , such as full keels ( see photo ) and fin keels .
- 他和他的同事已经在从事新的实验,这项实验用了不同形状的橡胶鱼鳍,以在水中制造出不同的搅动痕迹。
- He and his colleagues have already embarked on experiments using different shapes of fin to create different water disturbances .