- 恐慌像超广角镜头,既扭曲又放大了她的视觉。
- The fish-eye lens of panic both distorted and magnified her vision .
- 每个相机都有一个广角鱼眼镜头,提供124度视角察看周围地形。
- Each camera has a wide-field , fish-eye lens that provides a 124-degree view of the surrounding terrain .
- 安装在地面上的鱼眼镜头能够自动记录叶片的生长情况鉴于香蕉树最高可以长到3米,新系统比之前的一些手工测量方法要省力得多。
- A fish-eye lens on the ground automatically records the leaf cover far less laborious than previous methods of measuring plants , which can grow up to 3m high , by hand .
- 模拟的镜头效果被移除了。
- Lens artifacts have been removed .
- 了解你的优点是一个富有启发性的镜头。
- Understanding your strengths is an illuminating lens .
- 透过这面透镜来看,富裕国家的公共财政看上去危机重重。
- Through this lens , the rich world 's public finances look dire indeed .