- 但是,这汤比肉汤里面的鱼要多些,所以很难称之为汤。
- However , it can contain more fish than broth and can hardly be called a soup .
- 这道鱼汤是用鲷鱼、鲈鱼和海鲂做的。
- The fish soup was made with sea bream , sea bass and john dory .
- 我们坐下来,桌上摆着几杯啤酒,用薄膜塑料杯装着,一瓶没标签的白酒,还有一碟麻辣牛肚,豆腐汤,面条和炖鱼。
- We sat down to filmy glasses of beer and a clear , unmarked bottle of grain alcohol , and saucers of peppers and tripe , tofu soup , noodles , and fish stew .
- 提高大石早生李坐果率试验研究。
- Studies on raising the fruit-setting rate of dashi early plum .
- 广州市芳村大士灯饰电器厂。
- Guangzhou fangcun dashi lams appliances factory .
- 本研究以大溪镇公所办理之国民小学三至六年级户外乡土教学活动,其相关活动之规划状况、教学实施历程与学生学习成效为研究的范围。
- The research studied about the outings for indigenous teaching carried out by dashi township administration . The planning , the teaching process and the learning effect of the outings for third - to sixth-graders were studied .
- 我要你再试试我的马赛鱼汤。
- And I want you to try my bouillabaisse again .
- 我要他再试试我的马赛鱼汤。
- I want to make him try my bouillabaisse again .
- 准备鱼浆,使胃鲁耶准备,使全麦面包糕点.
- Preparing fish broth making bouillabaisse preparing rouille making whole wheat pastry .