- 这个不可思议的观察结果说明了狭义相对论也仅是事物怎样真正运行的一个近似理论。
- The magic result suggests that special relativity is only an approximation of how things really work .
- 这简直就是心理学上的魔术。
- It 's really a psychological magic trick .
- 但是氟是如何发挥其魔力的?
- But how does fluoride work its magic ?
- 他在舞台上像是一个神秘禅师的形象除外,乔布斯是一个火气极大的独裁经理。
- His on-stage persona as a zen-like mystic notwithstanding , mr jobs was an autocratic manager with a fierce temper .
- 想到这种明明没有风,叶子就好像被附身了一样纷纷散落的光景,我就会对树木的神秘肃然起敬起来。
- When I think of such a scene -- of leaves falling as if possessed , even without a wind -- I am awed by the mystic power of trees .
- 我一直都是一个神秘主义者,此时此刻我在想:是的,人确实比上帝强大!
- And I , mystic that I had been , I thought : yes , man is very strong , greater than god .
- 这种情况就使笑声显得更为神秘。
- That makes it even more mysterious .
- 在较早前的时代,她的眼神也许会散发出一种神秘的吸引力。
- In an earlier era her gaze might have signaled a mysterious allure .
- 科学家将这种神秘外力命名为暗能量。
- Scientists named this mysterious force dark energy .
- 这个魔鬼发出沉闷的漱口的声音。
- The demon let out a muffled gargle .
- 糟糕的政策导致的恶果最明显的体现就在于乙醇和其他“恶魔般的”生物燃料的兴起。
- Where the effects of bad policy are clearest , however , is in the rise of demon ethanol and other biofuels .
- 长着黑色头发、面部惨白的恶魔走了进来,后面还跟着四个扛着黑色大箱子的身体乌黑的侏儒。
- A pale demon with black hair came in , followed by four black gnome-like creatures carrying a great black trunk .
- 但是obara先生仍像一个不可理喻的怪物。
- But mr obara remains an inexplicable monster .
- gfaj-1可不是什么科幻怪物。
- Gfaj-1 is no frankenstein monster .
- 也许这个女怪物会成为另一个杀人凶手。
- Perhaps the woman monster would be another murderer .
- 这个不可思议的观察结果说明了狭义相对论也仅是事物怎样真正运行的一个近似理论。
- The magic result suggests that special relativity is only an approximation of how things really work .
- 这简直就是心理学上的魔术。
- It 's really a psychological magic trick .
- 但是氟是如何发挥其魔力的?
- But how does fluoride work its magic ?
- 但是obara先生仍像一个不可理喻的怪物。
- But mr obara remains an inexplicable monster .
- gfaj-1可不是什么科幻怪物。
- Gfaj-1 is no frankenstein monster .
- 也许这个女怪物会成为另一个杀人凶手。
- Perhaps the woman monster would be another murderer .