- 这是一种极好的概念,当然应该实施。
- This is a superb concept . It should certainly be done .
- 这个国家自夸拥有一流的外景地、世界级的影棚和技术人员,还有相对低廉的制作成本。
- The country boasts superb locations , world-class studios and technical crews , and relatively low costs .
- 美国的大学时极好的,吸引着全球最聪明的天才。
- Us universities are superb , attracting the best brains from around the world .
- 坚持更优秀的活着。
- Strive to live excellent today .
- 从那时起,约瑟夫就一直是很出色的员工。
- Since then , joseph has been an excellent employee .
- 解决办法是建立出色的制度和严密的制衡机制。
- The answer is to have excellent systems and thorough checks and balances .
- 食品和服务都是很精致的。
- The food and service are exquisite .
- 我确信你会同意的,它看起来真精致。
- It looks truly exquisite I 'm sure you 'd agree .
- 饥饿不可能再是一个动机,因为只需轻轻一点头,希腊奴隶就会奉上精美佳肴。
- Hunger could no longer be a motive , for greek slaves supplied them with exquisite viands at the slightest nod .