- 这将需要更多的物理治疗师,他们作为资深治疗师,重新从事于置换髋关节和膝盖骨的工作。
- There will be more need for physical therapists as active seniors work their way back from hip and knee replacements .
- 医生说蒙松身上有三处枪伤,分别在手臂、胸部和臀部。
- Doctors said the teen was hit three times ; in the arm , chest and hip .
- 每一个髋关节都可以做得很完美,满足病人的特别要求。
- Each hip can be crafted precisely for the intended patient .
- 等到他深插进你的身体,你就可以左右摇晃臀部。
- Once he 's deep inside you , swivel your hips from side to side .
- 第二张照片展现的是模特将手均匀的放置在臀部,并且手指均匀张开,肩膀放松。
- The second image shows hands on the hips with evenly placed fingers and relaxed shoulders .
- 在跑步机上跑山坡比在室外跑要安全些,因为它减少了对你膝盖和臀部的影响。
- Running hills on the treadmill is safer than running hills outdoors , because it decreases the impact on your knees and hips .