- najash蛇保留着骶骨,用它来支撑骨盆。
- Najash retained a sacrum , a bony feature that supported the pelvis .
- 如果这没有让你恶心到吐的话,我们还可以再谈谈纾困的事。
- If that does not make you sick to the sacrum then we can talk about bail-outs as well .
- 试试这个:伏在床上让你的伴侣用手掌按压骶骨,或者使用轻柔的掌劈式按摩。
- Try this : lie on your stomach and have your partner press on the sacrum with his palm , or give it a gentle karate chop-style massage .
- 环保部副部长吴晓青去年6月在新闻发布会上说,环保部计划根据这项调查及时发布一份报告,但调查结果一直未公布。
- Mep vice-minister wu xiaoqing said at a press conference last june that the ministry planned to release a report based on the survey in a ' timely manner , ' but the results have yet to be made public .