- 3d蓝光播放器的价格大跌。
- Prices plummet on 3d blu-ray players .
- 随着成本的暴跌,各公司会提供质量更高的检测。
- As costs plummet , firms will start to offer better tests .
- 原油期货下跌,由於报告显示原油库存量出乎意料增加。
- Futures plummet after report shows surprise growth in crude , gasoline stockpiles .
- 那么蜜蜂数量骤降的话,你可能会不高兴。
- Then you may not be too happy if bee populations plunge .
- 欧元猛跌带来的出口增长将缓解人们衰退的信心。
- But waning confidence will be mitigated by the boost that exports receive from the euro 's plunge .
- 旧房销售量的骤降是严重的但是并不是史无前例的。
- The plunge in sales of existing homes is severe but not unprecedented .