- 我们是怎么欺骗的呢?
- So how exactly do we cheat ?
- 男人们为什么要欺骗他们的妻子呢?
- Why do men cheat on their wives ?
- 没有人能够为这些评测做准备,也没有任何产生作弊的动机。
- No one can prepare for them , nor is there any incentive to cheat .
- 这样可以减少诈骗,并为政府节省钱财。
- This cuts fraud and saves governments money .
- 欺诈和窃取的范围之大令人咋舌。
- The scale of theft and fraud is shocking .
- 他在为避免引渡到香港接受诈骗罪审判而斗争。
- He is fighting extradition to hong kong to face trial on fraud charges .
- 你现在变成诈骗犯了吗?
- What are you , a swindler ?
- 诈骗犯用不同的化名行骗。
- The swindler worked under various aliases .
- 他们怀疑他是一个政治骗子。
- They suspected him to be a political swindler .
- 一种解释可能在于一个大脑的部位作为内置的骗子探测器。
- One explanation may lie in a brain region that serves as a built-in crook detector .
- 第二,你要取悦别人之前,还是应该先搞清楚那人是否是个骗子。
- Second , before you start pleasing , it 's worth checking if the person is a crook .
- 政府在网上以3英镑把签名出售给骗子,而骗子又用这个签名来偷了我们的房子,这是一个事实。
- The fact is the government sold a signature online for 3 to a crook who used it to steal our house .