- 一位娇艳的少妇,手里拿一把玉坠羽扇,慢慢走过来。
- A gorgeous woman taking a jade pendant feather fan , was coming over slowly .
- 街边有供应商卖各种东西,劳力士表、t恤衫、丝巾和翡翠应有尽有。
- The street is lined with vendors selling everything from " real fake " rolex watches to t-shirts , silk scarves and jade .
- 原来的商贸路线上重新出现了一队队的车辆,不过这一次他们运输的是原油、翡翠、士兵和日益增多的旅客们。
- Its trade routes once again teem with caravans , this time carrying crude oil , jade , soldiers and , increasingly , tourists .
- 这个螺旋线展示的领袖品质,使得去伪存真的组合变得轮廓清晰。
- By the apparent leadership of the screw thread , the refined combination comes into focus .
- 对螺旋的创新诠释使得高度调节变得明显并容易。
- The new interpretation of the screw makes the height adjustment self-explanatory and easy .
- 百事公司(pepsico)首席执行官英德拉努伊(indranooyi)近期曾说过,消费者以前也许会不喝完一瓶螺旋盖饮料,现在他们会一饮而尽。
- Indra nooyi , pepsico 's ceo , said recently that consumers who might have previously left a screw top bottled drink unfinished , now finish it off .
- 他们利用这些研究,做了针对孩子们的市场定位的产品,吸引他们缠着父母买。
- They used these studies to market their products directly to children , encouraging them to nag their parents to buy .
- 这是一个恶性循环:被唠叨的人厌烦了这种纠缠,开始沉默,这让唠叨的人更加唠叨。
- It is a vicious circle : the naggee tires of the badgering and starts to withhold , which makes the nagger nag more .
- 因此,脱钩可能只是暂时的,随着贸易摩擦升温,全球失衡问题将继续困扰各国。
- Decoupling may thus prove temporary , while the problem of global imbalances will continue to nag away as trade friction mounts .
- 他说,他管理的一个聊天室常常遭到黑客攻击。
- A chat room he hosts faces frequent hack attacks , he says .
- 攻击范围从窃取信用卡细节的商业间谍活动到窃取军事机密的黑客行为。
- Attacks range from commercial espionage to stealing credit card details to trying to hack into military secrets .
- 他编写的渗透程序花了我们四个月时间破解.
- He wrote an infiltration code that took us four months to hack .