- 然而,这话是编造的,马汉从来没说过。
- But it is a fabrication ; mahan never wrote it .
- 这些工作是在非赢利组织总监mattmahan的领导,以及susangordon和sarahkoch的支持下进行的。
- This effort is led by our nonprofit director , matt mahan , and masterfully supported by susan gordon and sarah koch .
- 据美国官员说,科恩还将跟欧洲官员讨论针对伊朗两家航空公司及其港口公司采取什么样的措施。
- Mr. cohen will also be talking about measures to target two iranian airlines , iran air and mahan air , as well as the port company , tidewater middle east co. , according to u.s. officials .