- 说马镫创造了中世纪欧洲可能有些言过其实,但并不算太严重。
- Saying that the stirrup created medieval europe is a stretch , but not a big one .
- 为了支撑骑兵部队而形成的社会、经济和法律体制延续了将近一千年,在马镫的优越性消失后很长时期内还一直存在。
- The social , economic , and legal systems that developed to support the mounted troops persisted for nearly a thousand years , long after the actual advantage of the stirrup had been neutralized .
- 马镫迅速改变了军事战略,但是它的成功导致了教会和政府、国王和臣民以及新兴地主和勉强糊口的农民之间的冲突。
- The stirrup quickly transformed military strategy , but its success led to conflicts between church and state , between kings and their subjects , and between new landowners and subsistence-level farmers .