- 2002年,西北大学的jamesspeta的一篇论文中列出了三个充分地将公共运输工具应用于调节价格和使用权的历史证据。
- In a 2002 paper james speta of northwestern university laid out three broad historical justifications for applying common carriage to regulate prices and access .
- 联邦通讯委员会的决策是基于在“公共运输”思想,实际上这个理念比电话的发明还早。
- The fcc 's decision rests on the idea of " common carriage " , a principle that is , in fact , far older than the telephone .
- 他们以极快的速度打点好行装,一会儿就坐上了马车,向南驱车而去。
- Their packing was done at great speed , and soon they were in the carriage , driving south .
- 安西娅走过去和一个有马套二轮单马车的人谈起来,别的孩子等着。
- Anthea went to talk to a man who had a horse and cart , and the others waited .
- 他之前的一份工作是在路边推着自己做的小推车卖水果给过往的行人。
- For his last job , mohamed built a small cart to sell fruit to commuters along a roadside .
- 他想绕过我走过去,但我推车顶在他的前面。
- He tries to work his way around me , but I wedge the cart across his path .
- 天资也需要一个优秀的教练。
- Talent requires a good coach .
- 第二,我们指导女性对成功给出自己的定义。
- Second , we coach women to have their own definition of success .
- 机器人应该在口头上而不是行动上指导病人。
- The robot would coach the patients orally , rather than physically .
- 他们截到一辆出租车,径直去了卡拉拉的公寓。
- They found a cab and went to klara 's flat .
- 难道她们想逼我改坐出租车么?
- They will force me to take a cab ?
- 如果搭计程车五分钟之内就可以到。
- If we grab a cab on madison , we can be there in five minutes .