- 虽然明显仍有很长的一段路要走,这种最终会锁定宗教体验的电路图的透视显像技术结合麦克纳马拉博士在信使分子方面的所做的工作,将会阐明大脑产生和处理宗教体验的原理。
- Though there is clearly still a long way to go , this sort of imaging should eventually tie down the circuitry of religious experience and that , combined with work on messenger molecules of the sort that dr mcnamara is doing , will illuminate how the brain generates and processes religious experiences .
- 安哥拉政府的态度无疑正变得更加开放,但西方政府官员承认,在这方面依然存在很大欠缺。
- Unquestionably the government is becoming more open but western officials concede there is still a long way to go .
- 在这种方法投入移植中正式使用前,可能还有很长一段路要走,但是这仍是令人激动的设想。
- There is a long way to go before it could result in useable transplants , but it is an exciting vision .