- 格鲁吉亚总统还自豪地告诉我,麦凯恩送给他一份礼物一件防弹背心。
- And the georgian president told me proudly that mr mccain had given him a gift a bullet-proof vest .
- 传统摄影马甲的口袋就是为这样的大画幅胶片设计。
- The traditional photographer 's vest with all the pockets was originally designed for large format users .
- 他拿着他挂在在马甲上的金怀表说道。
- He said , holding out the heavy pocket watch in gold he 'd left hanging out of his vest pocket .
- 我看人倒不是凭衣裳,是凭良心。
- It isn 't the waistcoat that I look at , it is the heart .
- 一个工人在和一个同伴喝酒时,要那同伴摸摸他多么热,那同伴发现他的褂子下有一支手枪。
- One artisan drinking with a comrade made the latter feel him to see how warm he was ; the other man felt a pistol under his waistcoat .
- 阿披实的衣着堪称完美,灰色马甲西装套装,淡蓝色衬衫,黑色白条纹领带,他似乎对面前摆着的那些面目可憎的糕饼以及蜷缩的三明治有些疑惑。
- Abhisit , immaculately dressed in a grey suit and waistcoat , with a pale blue shirt and black tie with white stripes , looks slightly doubtful at the array of lurid pastries and curled sandwiches placed before him .
- 在街上,穿着黄色的背心警察指挥着交通。
- Down the street , police in yellow vests directed traffic .
- 当军警试图进入教堂时,武装份子引爆了身上的自杀式炸药背心。
- Suicide vests were detonated by attackers as police tried to enter the church .
- 新的轻便防弹背心被配备给警察和士兵,这种背心可以抵挡任何子弹。
- New lightweight vests for cops and soldiers that can stop any bullet .