- 安达卢西亚地区一个小镇的左翼市长成了现代版的罗宾汉,竟纠集民众抢劫当地的超市接济社区贫困者。
- A left-wing mayor of a small town in andalusia has become a modern-day robin hood , organizing robbing raids on local supermarkets to feed the poor of his community .
- 面包果的拥护者们表示,这种果实的独特品质有助于解决全世界穷人的吃饭问题。
- The breadfruit 's proponents say it has unique qualities that could help feed the world 's poor .
- 喂饱饥饿者和让穷人穿得暖.
- To feed the hungry and clothe the poor .