- 使馆区的伤亡数字还不清楚。
- Casualty figures in the embassy district remain unclear .
- 阿什顿女男爵将在仰光开设欧盟代表团使馆。
- Baroness ashton will open the eu delegation 's embassy in yangon .
- 没有报道称,使馆工作人员受到了人身攻击。
- There were no reports of aggression against embassy personnel .
- 英国已经派出一个政府代表团来讨论贸易和关税的问题。
- Britain has sent a legation to discuss trade and tariffs .
- 被证实的摩西的神的使命。
- The divine legation of moses demonstrated .
- 马里兰规划署必须为委员会提供工作成员支持。
- The maryland department of planning must provide staff support for the legation .
- 自2月7日离开美国驻成都总领馆后,王立军至今下落不明。
- Mr. wang 's whereabouts since he left the u.s. consulate on feb. 7 aren 't clear .
- 日本驻上海领事馆的代表解释说,领馆建筑落成于1998年,其受损的外立面由进口自日本的特殊材料制成。
- Japan 's consular representatives explained that the damaged outer skin of the consulate building opened in 1998 was made from specialized material imported from japan .
- 奥巴马政府对9月利比亚领馆遇袭事件的处理为罗姆尼在外交事务上打开了一个突破口,在上周辩论中,这个话题就曾引起激烈争论。
- The administration 's handling of the september libyan consulate assault has provided mr. romney an opening on foreign affairs , and the subject was a fiery one in last week 's debate .
- 黑斯廷斯美术馆与近来的其他投资项目明显不同。
- The hastings gallery differs from other recent ventures .
- 国家美术馆里有两个对比鲜明的例子。
- Here are two contrasting examples from the national gallery .
- 她第一次在他美术馆的作品展很受欢迎。
- Her first individual show at his gallery was well received .
- 俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔普京(vladimirputin)在视察莫斯科天文馆时带着3d眼镜。
- Russian prime minister vladimir putin wears 3d glasses during a visit to the moscow planetarium .
- 创立于1930年的adler,是西半球第一个天文馆。
- The adler , founded in 1930 , was the first planetarium in the western hemisphere .
- 这座城市有高尔夫社区、医疗费设施、购物中心、餐馆和邻近的天文馆。
- The town has golf communities , medical facilities , shopping centers , restaurants , and a nearby planetarium .