- 但是填充座位可能很棘手。
- But filling seats may prove tricky .
- 其他电台正在填补这一新的空缺。
- Other stations are filling the newly empty spectrum .
- 因此,专家们也正在填补这个空缺。
- So specialists are filling the void .
- 这样你的美味面包馅就只剩下蘑菇,梨,葱,注意要用松饼罐煮。
- You 're left with a delicious bread stuffing flavored with mushrooms , pears and shallots and cooked in a muffin tin .
- 填馅在冷却之后再填入,以确保它们不会因为过度加热而失去里面的水分。
- The stuffing is cooled before being layered between the birds , to ensure it doesn 't overcook and lose its moisture .
- 这个感恩节的餐桌已经被填馅,蔬菜米饭组合,青豆,南瓜砂锅这些创意配菜和南瓜,甜土豆等秋日珍馐挤的满满的了。
- The thanksgiving table is crowded with creative side dishes that include stuffing , vegetable-and-rice combos , green bean or squash casseroles , and fall favorites like pumpkin and sweet potatoes .
- 奶奶做的派最好了!
- Grandma makes the best pie !
- 谁要吃巧克力饼,苹果派啊?
- Who needed chocolate cake or apple pie ?
- 当然还有母爱和苹果派。
- Also motherhood and apple pie .
- 我们做不了奶油蛋羹了。
- We can 't make the custard .
- 一种华贵的奶油冻,用凝胶使之凝固。
- A rich custard set with gelatin .
- 从这些满是承诺的书中提取有用的建议就像是将奶油派钉到到谷仓的墙壁上一样困难。
- Extracting usable advice from high promising books can be like trying to nail custard pies to the side of a barn .