- 我跟这家人生活了一星期,但饺子摊没有持续很久。
- I only stayed with the family a week , but the dumpling stand didn 't last long .
- 从精致的陶瓷餐具和细致周到的服务员,到每只饺子玉石般的品质,一切都体现了这家餐厅米其林三星荣誉的实至名归。
- The logic behind this restaurant 's three michelin stars is evident in everything from the delicate china and attentive wait staff to the jewel-like quality of each dumpling .
- 从六角形,高科技对自己的私人小岛基地(自称为帝国的北方饺子),他的宏伟计划,以拯救人类。
- From a hexagonal , high-tech base on his own private island ( the self-proclaimed empire of north dumpling ) , he hatches grandiose plans to save humanity .
- 滚开,猴子.我要自制的意大利水饺.
- Get out of here , monkey . I want homemade tortellini .
- 有些名菜可能你已经有所耳闻意大利肉酱面、肉末番茄汁宽面、意式面饺、意式青酱和意大利干酪。
- Some very famous dishes you may have heard of spaghetti bolognese , lasagna , tortellini , pesto and parmesan .
- 里面放的蔬菜(通常是菠菜),或者包肉馅,还有帕尔玛干酪馅的。
- Tortellini - pasta filled with vegetables ( usually spinach ) , or meat or parmesan .
- 这是我们给你们做的萨默萨饺子。
- Here 's some samosas that we made for you .
- 芒果树下有波罗门母牛,车站月台上的女人们在售卖油炸三角饺和苹果,孩子们向我讨要美元和糖果。
- White brahman cows dozed under mango trees . At station platforms women on the tracks sold fried samosas and apples ; children called out to me for dollars and sweets .
- 当我妻子在为犹太赎罪日斋戒时,我岳父却在为伊斯兰教的斋月斋戒,而我一整天都得吃咖喱饺。”)
- Even when my wife fasts for yom kippur , and my father-in-law fasts for ramadan , I get to stuff my face with samosas all day . " )