- 靠快餐和拉面来度日既便宜又方便,但并不健康。
- Living on fast food and ramen is cheap and convenient , but unhealthy .
- 美国人每天还在餐馆及快餐厅花掉6亿美元。
- And americans spend $ 600 million at restaurants and fast food eateries .
- 装饰豪华的商店,酒店,酒吧和爆满的餐馆包围着迅速致富的老的住房,同时,购物中心和快餐专卖店随处可见的中产阶级郊区向周围的山区伸展开来。
- Fancy boutique hotels , bars and fully booked restaurants pack its rapidly gentrifying older quarters , while middle-class suburbs , replete with shopping malls and fast-food outlets , spread into the surrounding hills .