- 十十八世纪英国和荷兰争夺公海贸易航线控制权,今天海峡两岸进行着一场文明的竞争,战利品依旧诱人。
- Back in the 17th and 18th centuries , britain and the netherlands fought for control of trade routes across the high seas . Today a more genteel contest is taking place across the english channel , but the potential booty is also lucrative .
- 这种从农村到城市,再到海外都市的经历帮助我成为四处游荡的作家。
- These generational migrations , from village to city , from city across the seas , made my peripatetic , writerly life possible .
- 帝国的扩张穿越海洋只为寻找贵金属、宝石和燃料。
- Empires extended across the seas in search of precious metals , gems and fuels .