- 美国卫生和公共服务部2008年的报告显示,该州大约有百分之十的家庭参加了omi(俄克拉何马州婚姻计划)讲习班。
- According to a 2008 report from the department of health and human services , the oklahoma marriage initiative is now the nation 's longest-running government program aimed at helping struggling couples , and it 's estimated that up to 10 percent of the state 's households have taken part in omi workshops .
- 你一定就是来自北近江的幻十郎先生?
- You must be mister genjuro from northern omi ?
- 杭州凯琳贸易有限公司近江分公司。
- Kerin trading co. , ltd. hangzhou branch omi .