- 美国的将军崇拜可以追溯到美国创立之初,当时,军队领袖面临着来自欧洲侵略者和美洲土著部落的双重威胁,肩负着捍卫国家的使命。
- America 's adoration of its generals dates back to its founding years , when military leaders defended the country from the perceived twin threat of european invaders and native american tribes .
- 主人公willoughbypatterne爵士被有钱且对他爱慕的女性环绕的环境下长大。
- The egoist is sir willoughby patterne , a man brought up surrounded by wealth and female adoration .
- 美国对将军的崇拜在数字上可见一斑:十位美国总统曾担任将军。
- America 's adoration of its generals shows up in the numbers : 10 us presidents have served as generals .