- 后者则敦促工人联合起来推翻全世界的资本主义制度。
- The latter urges workers to unite for the overthrow of world capitalism .
- 在一次运动中土耳其站在前线去推翻阿萨德先生。
- Turkey is at the forefront of a campaign to overthrow mr assad .
- 如果我们试图以武力推翻卡扎菲,我们的联盟便会分裂。
- If we tried to overthrow qaddafi by force , our coalition would splinter .
- 21世纪将会颠覆很多我们关于经济生活的基础设想。
- The 21st century will overturn many of our basic assumptions about economic life .
- 分析人士说,这名前墨西哥市市长推翻选举结果的可能性几乎不存在。
- Analysts say it is highly unlikely the former mexico city mayor would overturn the result .
- 该党还希望推翻法院对包括他信的200多名议员的禁令。
- It also wants to overturn court-ordered bans on over 200 mps , including mr thaksin .
- 它免除了军人政府通过损害ppp来阴谋破坏选举的责任,尽管发现的军方文件详细描述了该计划的细节。
- It absolved the military junta of plotting to subvert the election by undermining the ppp , despite the discovery of army documents detailing the plot .
- 法律不会让街头犯罪远离毒品,如同酒精和烟草一样,人们总有办法逃避课税,也总有办法破坏规定。
- Legalisation would not drive gangsters completely out of drugs ; as with alcohol and cigarettes , there would be taxes to avoid and rules to subvert .
- 游戏不仅颠覆了这个规则,它们还将其彻底颠倒:玩家们心甘情愿地支付大笔钱财以获取被允许尝试任意工作的特权。
- Games not only subvert that rule , they invert it completely : players will happily fork out good money for the privilege of being allowed to attempt arbitrary jobs .