- 高效液相色谱法测定莨菪浸膏片中阿托品的含量。
- Hplc determination of atropine in hyoscyamus extract tablets .
- 他的心脏对阿托品没有反应。
- His heart 's not responding to the atropine .
- 告诉你们,阿托品中毒有时很难与食物中毒区别开来。
- Now , atropine poisoning is sometimes very hard to tell from ptomaine poisoning .
- 你骗我吃下有毒的颠茄,莎莉。
- The deadly nightshade you slipped me wore off , sally .
- 龙葵治疗崩漏症的临床观察。
- Clinical observation on treating metrorrhagia with black nightshade .
- goldberg说,“自交或不自交的能力注定将在相反的方向上用力,这种相反力量之间的平衡力量将有助于解释茄科植物家族内的植物多样性,及其他植物家族中的这种潜在可能”。
- " The ability or inability to self-fertilize is subject to forces that act strongly , and in opposite directions , " goldberg said . " The balance between these opposing forces helps explain the diversity of plants within the nightshade family , and potentially many other plant groups . "