- 科技博客AllThingsD指出,扎克伯格过去几年在Facebook公司博客上发表了25篇博文,其中有10篇都是在道歉、解释,原因是网站的改动和错误行为惹恼了用户。
- It 's an admission he keeps having to make over and over : tech blog all things d pointed out that 10 of the 25 posts zuckerberg has made over the years on facebook 's company blog have been explanations and mea culpas about site changes and screw-ups that irked users .
- 一个注入强烈感情的想法一定比一个没有感情影响的想法重要,即使你反反复复地去思考它。
- A thought imbued with a powerful emotion must be more important than a thought that had didn 't emotionally affect you at all , even if you think that through over and over and over again .
- 大多数扎啤桶都是反复回收利用的,而且基本上用不到纸。
- Most of the kegs are recycled over and over and over again .