- 同一单位或个人在同一立面上安装若干空调设备,其间距不足1米的,应当合并计算制冷额定电功率。
- The rated refrigerating power of a number of air-conditioners installed on the same upright surface by the same unit or individual with spacing of less than one meter between them shall be amalgamated in calculation .
- 从东京到大阪之间的高速列车,一开始源于1956年的一个设计观念,那时委员会就已确定要研究出一个方案来挑战提升列车速度,虽然那时两个城市之间的铁路运输速度已经表现很优秀,超过了额定的效率。
- The new high-speed train service , between tokyo and osaka , began as a concept in 1956 when a committee was established to study the challenge of improving train service , already operating well beyond its rated capacity , between these two important cities .
- 他们也根据人体特性的感知额定每个人。
- They also rated each in terms of perceived personality traits .
- 名义收益率接近历史最低水平。
- Nominal yields are close to historic lows .
- 值得关注的应该是名义国债收益率水平。
- What is remarkable is the level of nominal government-bond yields .
- 这个水平接近日圆有史以来的名义高点。
- That 's close to the yen 's all-time nominal high .