- 一块带有三只臼齿的下颚骨在犹他州韦恩郡的千湖山1万英尺高处被发现。
- A jawbone with three molars was found 10000 feet up thousand lake mountain in wayne county , utah .
- 他见一块未乾的驴腮骨,就伸手拾起来,用以击杀一千人。
- And he found a new jawbone of an ass , and put forth his hand , and took it , and slew a thousand men therewith .
- 研究人类化石记录最大的问题是资源稀缺,总是这儿一块颚骨,那儿一块头骨。
- The problem with studying humanity 's fossil record is that it is so sparse : a jawbone here ; a braincase there .