- 从窗户望出去,她能看到领班男人还在等着。
- Through the window she could see the foreman waiting .
- 为维修领班及维修技师们提供技术支持。
- Provide technical support to maintenance foreman technicians .
- 我父亲曾在一家汽车工厂当领班。
- My father used to be a foreman in the workshop of a car factory .
- 我在老特拉福德的生活到现在为止都很好,如果老头子给我机会的话,我准备好了。
- My time at old trafford had been great so far and I 'm ready for when the gaffer gives me my chance .
- 德国老人指出加纳是一个非常强的队。
- The german gaffer has pointed out that ghana are a very strong team .
- 据称,这其实是灯光师和化妆师的功劳。
- Allegedly , this is actually a credit to the gaffer and make-up artist .